Source code for drf_haystack.filters

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals

import operator
from functools import reduce

from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
from django.utils import six
from haystack.query import SearchQuerySet
from rest_framework.filters import BaseFilterBackend, OrderingFilter

from drf_haystack.query import BoostQueryBuilder, FilterQueryBuilder, FacetQueryBuilder, SpatialQueryBuilder

[docs]class BaseHaystackFilterBackend(BaseFilterBackend): """ A base class from which all Haystack filter backend classes should inherit. """ query_builder_class = None
[docs] @staticmethod def get_request_filters(request): return request.query_params.copy()
[docs] def apply_filters(self, queryset, applicable_filters=None, applicable_exclusions=None): """ Apply constructed filters and excludes and return the queryset :param queryset: queryset to filter :param applicable_filters: filters which are passed directly to queryset.filter() :param applicable_exclusions: filters which are passed directly to queryset.exclude() :returns filtered queryset """ if applicable_filters: queryset = queryset.filter(applicable_filters) if applicable_exclusions: queryset = queryset.exclude(applicable_exclusions) return queryset
[docs] def build_filters(self, view, filters=None): """ Get the query builder instance and return constructed query filters. """ query_builder = self.get_query_builder(backend=self, view=view) return query_builder.build_query(**(filters if filters else {}))
[docs] def process_filters(self, filters, queryset, view): """ Convenient hook to do any post-processing of the filters before they are applied to the queryset. """ return filters
[docs] def filter_queryset(self, request, queryset, view): """ Return the filtered queryset. """ applicable_filters, applicable_exclusions = self.build_filters(view, filters=self.get_request_filters(request)) return self.apply_filters( queryset=queryset, applicable_filters=self.process_filters(applicable_filters, queryset, view), applicable_exclusions=self.process_filters(applicable_exclusions, queryset, view) )
[docs] def get_query_builder(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Return the query builder class instance that should be used to build the query which is passed to the search engine backend. """ query_builder = self.get_query_builder_class() return query_builder(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_query_builder_class(self): """ Return the class to use for building the query. Defaults to using `self.query_builder_class`. You may want to override this if you need to provide different methods of building the query sent to the search engine backend. """ assert self.query_builder_class is not None, ( "'%s' should either include a `query_builder_class` attribute, " "or override the `get_query_builder_class()` method." % self.__class__.__name__ ) return self.query_builder_class
[docs]class HaystackFilter(BaseHaystackFilterBackend): """ A filter backend that compiles a haystack compatible filtering query. """ query_builder_class = FilterQueryBuilder default_operator = operator.and_
[docs]class HaystackAutocompleteFilter(HaystackFilter): """ A filter backend to perform autocomplete search. Must be run against fields that are either `NgramField` or `EdgeNgramField`. """
[docs] def process_filters(self, filters, queryset, view): if not filters: return filters query_bits = [] for field_name, query in filters.children: for word in query.split(" "): bit = queryset.query.clean(word.strip()) kwargs = { field_name: bit } query_bits.append(view.query_object(**kwargs)) return six.moves.reduce(operator.and_, filter(lambda x: x, query_bits))
[docs]class HaystackGEOSpatialFilter(BaseHaystackFilterBackend): """ A base filter backend for doing geo spatial filtering. If using this filter make sure to provide a `point_field` with the name of your the `LocationField` of your index. We'll always do the somewhat slower but more accurate `dwithin` (radius) filter. """ query_builder_class = SpatialQueryBuilder point_field = "coordinates"
[docs] def apply_filters(self, queryset, applicable_filters=None, applicable_exclusions=None): if applicable_filters: queryset = queryset.dwithin(**applicable_filters["dwithin"]).distance(**applicable_filters["distance"]) return queryset
[docs] def filter_queryset(self, request, queryset, view): return self.apply_filters(queryset, self.build_filters(view, filters=self.get_request_filters(request)))
[docs]class HaystackHighlightFilter(HaystackFilter): """ A filter backend which adds support for ``highlighting`` on the SearchQuerySet level (the fast one). Note that you need to use a search backend which supports highlighting in order to use this. This will add a ``hightlighted`` entry to your response, encapsulating the highlighted words in an `<em>highlighted results</em>` block. """
[docs] def filter_queryset(self, request, queryset, view): queryset = super(HaystackHighlightFilter, self).filter_queryset(request, queryset, view) if self.get_request_filters(request) and isinstance(queryset, SearchQuerySet): queryset = queryset.highlight() return queryset
[docs]class HaystackBoostFilter(BaseHaystackFilterBackend): """ Filter backend for applying term boost on query time. Apply by adding a comma separated ``boost`` query parameter containing a the term you want to boost and a floating point or integer for the boost value. The boost value is based around ``1.0`` as 100% - no boost. Gives a slight increase in relevance for documents that include "banana": /api/v1/search/?boost=banana,1.1 """ query_builder_class = BoostQueryBuilder query_param = "boost"
[docs] def apply_filters(self, queryset, applicable_filters=None, applicable_exclusions=None): if applicable_filters: queryset = queryset.boost(**applicable_filters) return queryset
[docs] def filter_queryset(self, request, queryset, view): return self.apply_filters(queryset, self.build_filters(view, filters=self.get_request_filters(request)))
[docs]class HaystackFacetFilter(BaseHaystackFilterBackend): """ Filter backend for faceting search results. This backend does not apply regular filtering. Faceting field options can be set by using the ``field_options`` attribute on the serializer, and can be overridden by query parameters. Dates will be parsed by the ``python-dateutil.parser()`` which can handle most date formats. Query parameters is parsed in the following format: ?field1=option1:value1,option2:value2&field2=option1:value1,option2:value2 where each options ``key:value`` pair is separated by the ``view.lookup_sep`` attribute. """ query_builder_class = FacetQueryBuilder
[docs] def apply_filters(self, queryset, applicable_filters=None, applicable_exclusions=None): """ Apply faceting to the queryset """ for field, options in applicable_filters["field_facets"].items(): queryset = queryset.facet(field, **options) for field, options in applicable_filters["date_facets"].items(): queryset = queryset.date_facet(field, **options) for field, options in applicable_filters["query_facets"].items(): queryset = queryset.query_facet(field, **options) return queryset
[docs] def filter_queryset(self, request, queryset, view): return self.apply_filters(queryset, self.build_filters(view, filters=self.get_request_filters(request)))
[docs]class HaystackOrderingFilter(OrderingFilter): """ Some docstring here! """
[docs] def get_default_valid_fields(self, queryset, view, context={}): valid_fields = super(HaystackOrderingFilter, self).get_default_valid_fields(queryset, view, context) # Check if we need to support aggregate serializers serializer_class = view.get_serializer_class() if hasattr(serializer_class.Meta, "serializers"): raise NotImplementedError("Ordering on aggregate serializers is not yet implemented.") return valid_fields
[docs] def get_valid_fields(self, queryset, view, context={}): valid_fields = getattr(view, "ordering_fields", self.ordering_fields) if valid_fields is None: return self.get_default_valid_fields(queryset, view, context) elif valid_fields == "__all__": # View explicitly allows filtering on all model fields. if not queryset.query.models: raise ImproperlyConfigured( "Cannot use %s with '__all__' as 'ordering_fields' attribute on a view " "which has no 'index_models' set. Either specify some 'ordering_fields', " "set the 'index_models' attribute or override the 'get_queryset' " "method and pass some 'index_models'." % self.__class__.__name__) model_fields = map(lambda model: [(, field.verbose_name) for field in model._meta.fields], queryset.query.models) valid_fields = list(set(reduce(operator.concat, model_fields))) else: valid_fields = [ (item, item) if isinstance(item, six.string_types) else item for item in valid_fields ] return valid_fields