Source code for drf_haystack.fields

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals

from django.utils import six
from rest_framework import fields

[docs]class DRFHaystackFieldMixin(object): prefix_field_names = False def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.prefix_field_names = kwargs.pop('prefix_field_names', False) super(DRFHaystackFieldMixin, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def bind(self, field_name, parent): """ Initializes the field name and parent for the field instance. Called when a field is added to the parent serializer instance. Taken from DRF and modified to support drf_haystack multiple index functionality. """ # In order to enforce a consistent style, we error if a redundant # 'source' argument has been used. For example: # my_field = serializer.CharField(source='my_field') assert self.source != field_name, ( "It is redundant to specify `source='%s'` on field '%s' in " "serializer '%s', because it is the same as the field name. " "Remove the `source` keyword argument." % (field_name, self.__class__.__name__, parent.__class__.__name__) ) self.field_name = field_name self.parent = parent # `self.label` should default to being based on the field name. if self.label is None: self.label = field_name.replace('_', ' ').capitalize() # self.source should default to being the same as the field name. if self.source is None: self.source = self.convert_field_name(field_name) # self.source_attrs is a list of attributes that need to be looked up # when serializing the instance, or populating the validated data. if self.source == '*': self.source_attrs = [] else: self.source_attrs = self.source.split('.')
[docs] def convert_field_name(self, field_name): if not self.prefix_field_names: return field_name return field_name.split("__")[-1]
[docs]class HaystackBooleanField(DRFHaystackFieldMixin, fields.BooleanField): pass
[docs]class HaystackCharField(DRFHaystackFieldMixin, fields.CharField): pass
[docs]class HaystackDateField(DRFHaystackFieldMixin, fields.DateField): pass
[docs]class HaystackDateTimeField(DRFHaystackFieldMixin, fields.DateTimeField): pass
[docs]class HaystackDecimalField(DRFHaystackFieldMixin, fields.DecimalField): pass
[docs]class HaystackFloatField(DRFHaystackFieldMixin, fields.FloatField): pass
[docs]class HaystackIntegerField(DRFHaystackFieldMixin, fields.IntegerField): pass
[docs]class HaystackMultiValueField(DRFHaystackFieldMixin, fields.ListField): pass
[docs]class FacetDictField(fields.DictField): """ A special DictField which passes the key attribute down to the children's ``to_representation()`` in order to let the serializer know what field they're currently processing. """
[docs] def to_representation(self, value): return dict( [(six.text_type(key), self.child.to_representation(key, val)) for key, val in value.items() ] )
[docs]class FacetListField(fields.ListField): """ The ``FacetListField`` just pass along the key derived from ``FacetDictField``. """
[docs] def to_representation(self, key, data): return [self.child.to_representation(key, item) for item in data]